The Piranhas are a competitive swim team sponsored by the Town of Agawam Parks and Recreation. Qualified swimmers wishing to participate in a swim team will have the opportunity to do so in an environment where they will be able to participate equally, have fun, meet new friends, and be part of a team. Each swimmer is encouraged to attend practices, compete in meets, and improve their skills.
The Piranhas do not have strict attendance requirements, but we do ask our swimmers to attend as many practices as possible. We are not a team that depends on winning every meet, but instead focuses on our swimmers’ personal improvement. We are a team that believes in hard work, both from the swimmers and the parents, but strives to give back just as much to its members.
When your child joins the Piranhas, he/she will be given every opportunity to reach new levels in competitive swimming, while maintaining the sense of fun that being in the water can give.